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Well your probably not alone. Nearly two thirds of Australians use the same password across more than one of their online accounts according to Paypal. Australians love new technology. According to a global survey by Google, Australia has one of the highest smartphone penetrations in the world at 37 per cent just behind Singapore and we’re also consuming more applications (apps) than the US or Britain. A leading National Fraud Security Expert (ex hacker) has told us that one of the most common ways hackers breach your personal security is to target sites that are more vulnerable and less likely to have high levels of security such as your bank or your work VPN. So how secure is your company’s digital assets? Do you even know the level of encryption your site has? Do companies have a responsibility to protect user passwords?

More than one in five Australians have experienced some form of identity crime (source: Veda Australian Debt Study March 2012), at an estimated cost of more than $3 billion per year (source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010).

So next time your signing off that SOW, consider whether your agency is engaging in “privacy by design”, and other best practice security measures.

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