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Perpetual Financial Health Calculator


During the Campaign, over 1,400 leads were generated.



Web App Development

UX/UI Design







Perpetual Limited


Business SItuation

Perpetual had developed a financial Health Matrix which with the right data, would provide an assessment of an individuals Financial Health. What was needed was a digital mechanism in which would gather this data in the form of lead generation to facilitate advisors in finding individuals who would benefit from their services. Prerequisite’s was that the solution needed be Search Engine Optimised and utilise the Sitecore.


The Tangible team worked with Perpetuals marketing team to understand the principals and how the calculations would be made. We then came up with the concept to design and build a Responsive Web Calculator that would be to a great extent a visual experience (in comparison to traditional online forms).

The project consisted of two parts:

  1. Calculator – We designed and built an online application. The most critical design element was that the site was to be responsive. Utilising modern UI elements that were touch responsive, we created a seamless user experience that encouraged users to use the tool. On completion of the calculator, users are shown graphical elements that consist of their overall financial health score and ratings for each of the question areas. Included in this Results page is an animation of a sailing boat in different weather conditions that changes dependent on the users financial health position.
  2. Lead Generation Email – A custom built HTML email template which embed the users results in a visually engaging display with various CTA’s. There was also 2 admin emails that were created which passed on lead details to financial advisors with a PDF generated from the calculator and another with personal information.


A Responsive Financial Health Check Calculator that has been used more than 1,400 times during the campaign. That’s over 1,400 potential high wealth individual leads. The design has stood the test of time and is still being used to this day.

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